communicating science

Where Scientists Go Astray, Advice on How to Speak to be Better Understood

Where Scientists Go Astray, Advice on How to Speak to be Better Understood

"Scientists often dive so deep into the details that they forget to come back up to the surface, so those of us who don’t have our scuba tanks on can be there with them and understand their ideas." Amy Aines Amy Aines shared advice for how scientists can speak to be better understood In a recent interview by Anne Janzer, author of Writing to be Understood. Amy's insights apply to all kinds of communication. She talked about: Why scientists, in particular, can struggle when presenting to...

Precision at the Expense of Impact Doesn’t Help Decision Makers

Precision at the Expense of Impact Doesn’t Help Decision Makers

"I think that the problem is that the standard of proof and the mechanisms of communications that are familiar to scientists are extremely cautious and extremely risk averse, particularly around stating best practices." Dr. Paul Glimcher In these COVID times, data is invaluable.  Learning how to communicate what we do know - based on data so far - can help give assurance and inform decision making. Here's timely and sage advice from Dr. Paul Glimcher. He is a neuroscientist, psychologist, and...